Sunday, July 19, 2009

Thats the thing about life.....

Life never ceases to amaze me. Just when you think that you are stuck in a slump, something intervenes and makes the stars line up and you see things a whole different way.

I have had a bit of an emotional trot lately and the way that I deal with that is to get very introspective until I sort it out in my head, this along with the winter couplings of most of my friends had me thinking the world sucked a bit. Then out of the blue a really great weekend filled with friends, laughter, food, chatting and late night walks has put a massive smile on my face and made me happy.

It was exactly what the doctor ordered and I am excited and hopeful for what the future holds.....what ever that may be. One thing I do know is that it will be surrounded by some of the most amazing people who love me unconditionally and that is a great start in my books.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Hey wait, where did everyone go?????

Ahhh winter......the time for wrapping up in layers, snuggling in with a hot cuppa and a blanket, getting rained on when you do step outside and of course the time when you look around and wonder where the heck all your friends went!

I can tell you exactly where they are.....snuggled up on a couch somewhere with their winter boyfriend/ girlfriend watching a silly romantic comedy and laughing at those silly single people that think about going out on a Saturday night! It occurred to me last weekend when I had no real plans to see anyone or do anything for the WHOLE WEEKEND that my once very buoyant group of fantastic, intelligent, funny single women had completely disappeared and then the further disgrace of having to discuss such weekend with others on Monday. I actually had someone (we shall call him Red because he is Ginger but we love him anyway) feel soooo sorry for me (we shall call me Billy-no-mates) that an SOS was sent out to another friend for a sympathy dinner and drinks to be organised STAT to save me from a death of social suicide!

When I was talking with the said empathiser (Red), he actually listed off all of my lovely girlfriends one by one to which I replied; ' Oh SK (one of my very best friends) she is in a relationship, yeah its going really well and she has a super busy job now so yeah don't get to see her alot at the moment' followed by ' Oh you mean Pol, she moved to Singapore with her new boyfriend a month or so ago so catching up is a little difficult' and so on and on until he stopped and went 'Oh'. I of course brushed it off as a 'slow weekend' and made some joke at my expense but really as winter progresses the weekends have less and less on and more and more my arse and my couch are starting to become firm friends (well my arse is becoming less and less firm as we speak). I have lost everyone to the Winter Relationship....everyone except myself....dammit!

Not that I am totally knocking the lull in proceedings, it is nice to occasionally have a night here and there that is totally your own, you aren't expected to be anywhere and it is totally acceptable to be dressed for the occasion in your comfy flannel PJ bottoms, Ugg boots and a Cardie that only your Nan would wear in public. These are the occasions when you pray that no one drops by unannounced as this attire is solely part of your 'secret single' behaviour that is also only acceptable when sharing the evening with a close girlfriend OR if you are well into a relationship where there is little mystery left OR you look like a Victoria Secret model and you can make the said outfit look good! If you are spending more time enjoying the above with also the mix of dvd's, the occasional take away and alot of alcohol you need to find a decent cover story as telling the truth will only get you the above pity that I got from Red.....make it realistic and detailed enough to avoid deep and probing questions or in worst case scenario, turn the conversation around quick smart!

On the plus side though, one of my beloved girlfriends (Percy) that I had lost to a winter relationship is now back on the singles market with me and I now have a movie date for Friday Night, a possible lunch date on Saturday (if we can pry the couples away from their blissful coupledom) and possibly the proposed sympathy dinner and drinks on Saturday night with Red and my ex boyfriend/ best friend with occasional benefits (lets call him Mr Big; two reasons really one is yes he is really tall compared to me but also yes the similarities that I draw from the Mr Big character from SATC) which will be an absolute ball as they are two of the funniest people that I know plus they are both trained chefs so my softening arse gets to sit on the couch and drink whilst the boys cook up a feast!

So with this weekend looking more attractive than last, things are on the we move out of winter and into the warmer weather I will also look forward to getting some of my lovely girls back from the grips of the winter hibernation and we again shall drink, laugh and be merry.....oh and take pics and put them of Facebook!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Rant Removed!

At the kind advice of a good friend my previous blog/ rant that was work related has been removed.....I had a really bad day and just wanted it out of me and for people to relate to a really bad situation. Career wise probably not the best idea so I have taken it down and put it in the private pile!

You know you are lucky when others are looking out for you so you dont commit career suicide, so thanks Robbie.....your wise words are appreciated.