Friday, January 15, 2010

Growing A Pair.

Interesting title, I know but basically its what I am in the process of doing. Part of my new job is calling complete strangers with the end goal for them to let me manage their investment property for them. Now some days I can get on that phone and talk till I could talk no more and then there are the days when I put off calling people out of some weird fear and anxiety. I think that it ultimately stems from a fear of rejection but that is a WHOLE different story.

So today was one of those days that I had to call a few prospective clients and I was putting it off and putting it off until I had to sit down make a deal with myself to get it done. Sounds strange but once it was done the relief was immense.....growing a pair is a tough trip and I am glad that I am finally doing things that challenge me, one day soon I will proudly hang my new pair out for all to see and might actually be excited to call a stranger for a chat!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

2010.....I am ready for you!

So this is it, the one year I force myself to come through on all of the things I have been promising myself for years, no more excuses, its time for some action. This is of course going to be a long, long trek to get through it all but I think that I am finally ready.

I am sick of being jealous of others that are thinner, healthier and seem to just have everything handed to them on a platter...I have finally accepted I am not one to have things handed on a platter, I have to work and pretty darned hard to get things done so I am gonna.

Blogging is one thing on the list, I started last year and really enjoyed it but didn’t stick to it, this year I will. I need to be organised and disciplined at it and everything I want to achieve which is going to be tough for me but I want to be the me that I am meant to be, no excuses.

Ready or not, here I come world.