Monday, May 3, 2010


I often get into things at my own pace.....sometimes before they are cool and sometimes after everyone else has already figured out they are cool. Today I fall into the latter in my admission that I am a GLEEK!

Normally I am one to LOATHE musicals and movies/ shows that break into music through out with the odd exceptions of biographies of musicians, anyway back on track. Last year I caught a few episodes of Glee and thought that seems ok but wasn't overwhelmed by it. This year season two has just started and I am hooked! So over the weekend I rented the second half of season one to catch myself up to date and I am now officially a bonafide Gleek. I just want more and more of it. I think because the songs they sing are ones we all know and love and tell the story of the makes me wish I could sing. But alas I am tone deaf and only sing in the car when alone.

I hope there are other Gleeks out there who love it as much as I do.

P.S. Finn is a dreamboat!

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